Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Goals For Myself

The goal I setted for myself is to touch up my drawing so I can put the colors on it already. My next goal is to figure out what else i am going todo for my project sinc there is not a way for me to get a camera soi can dothe interviews of the people who grew up in brownsville, and/or he peolple who lived in brownsville for a while.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Project Revision

I would say this: Hi my name is Malynthia Barnhill and I am a 12 grader at this school. My project/ picture is going to be about me and where I grew up at. It would either be a picture of my building with people sitting in the front, the people would be my family such as my older twin sisters, my ilttle sister, my mother, and I. Or it would be a picture of my block. The picture would be taken at in the middle of the street, at the corners of Herzl and Lott. But along with the picture would be a video of many interview from my school family and some from my hood family. The reason why I want to do this is because I want to let everyone know were I grew up at and how I have changed and over come the hard times in my life.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Project Idea and Plan

The kind of project I would like to have in my portfolio for this class is my own panting of a building in Brooklyn, New York. this building is the building that I lived at for most of my life. I lived at this place for exactly 17 years. I made 17 in that house and then we had to leave. From different sources, such as pictures that my friends took or pictures that I have took. It will probably be just my building with me standing in front or it will be a picture of my block, from Herzl Street. This will help people know more of who I am.